ACCESS to community.
The TRADITIONAL program is more than simply sober housing. With consistent sobriety monitoring and connection to all SPSL activities and events, the SPSL TRADITIONAL sober living program provides the framework for building a life in recovery along with a sense of belonging in SPSL and the greater recovery community.
Residential Requirements
Each TRADITIONAL program residence offers weekly house meetings, curfew, testing and general oversight from live-in senior peer and outside management. We focus on building unity and fostering healthy communication with fellow residents, AA sponsor, and active participation in a recovery program.
Live-in SPSL Senior Peer
Each residence has a live-in Senior Peer who is a long-term member of the SPSL community who will assist with assigning chores, checking curfew, and are a general resource for each resident.
Connection through SPSL Activities & Events
TRADITIONAL program residents are encouraged to participate in all SPSL community events and activities to further build their recovery network.
Sobriety Monitoring
Resident’s receive a minimum of one 11-panel alcohol and drug urine analysis test.

“I moved into the house on Watson after 5 months of inpatient treatment and instantly knew that I was right at home. At 19 years old and hundreds of miles from home, I didn't know how to live on my own. Even the simplest tasks like doing my laundry and cooking dinner were daunting. In my time at the house, I learned not only how to take care of myself, but I found out what it means to be a good friend and a good sister in recovery. It seemed that every night I was being rallied up by the girls I was living with to go to a meeting or go out and see a movie. I don't think I have laughed as much or as often as I did while living in that house. Because of the time I spent at the Watson House, I know how to live a happy and healthy life in sobriety, and the friendships that I have maintained from the house will always be held close to my heart. I would recommend St. Paul Sober Living to anyone and am so grateful that a program like it exists.”
— Sarah D. (Watson House June 2011-January 2012)